Our extractive linear economy is directly responsible for creating unprecedented environmental challenges and civil society injustices on a global scale. But together, we can be part of the solution.
Our socio-economic system is complex, multi-layered, and deeply intertwined with the natural world. Only by understanding the deep interconnections between cities, people, and the environment will we be able to build a genuinely sustainable and resilient economy—one that works for all people and supports the flourishing of all living things.
All the while destroying that which enables human life on this planet.
We are, likely, to experience a 3-6 degree Celsius temperature increase. If we continue business-as-usual, we will emit 65 billion tonnes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030.
The world is consuming 100 billion tonnes of materials a year, and efforts toward a more regenerative have been in decline since 2019.
The world's richest 1% own 44% of the world's wealth, while 842 million people go hungry. This disparity is also reflected in racial inequality.
Cities occupy only 3% of the global land surface but account for the consumption of 75% of our resources and produce 60-80% of our total greenhouse gas emissions. By initiating a regenerative and equitable transition in urban hubs, we can collectively tackle the issues at scale and with urgency.
The Circular Cities Coalition is a multi-stakeholder partnership with a shared vision to enable the rapid and just transition from the current system to a regenerative and equitable one.
Comprised of leading international non-government organizations, multinational corporations and local start-ups, the CCC is open-source and driven by the spirit of collaboration intent on building a better world.